
Space Engineers 2 is an open world sandbox game where engineering meets exploration, construction, and survival in the vastness of space. Become a pioneer in the distant Almagest system, a new uncharted world with infinite possibilities for creativity and discovery. Build everything from starships to space stations as you craft your own path in this highly anticipated next chapter of the Space Engineers series!

Creation and destruction never felt this good

Space Engineers 2 takes everything we’ve learned over the past 10 years and reimagines the space engineering experience with more depth and creative freedom than ever before. Powered by our new VRAGE3 engine, creation and destruction feel better than ever. Whether you’re a veteran or new to the game, Space Engineers 2 offers a vast, engaging sandbox where your creativity can truly shine.

Build with great precision

Explore the next generation of construction! Build anything you can imagine with incredible precision using the new 25 cm Unified Grid System. No more large vs small grid – blocks fit seamlessly together, making it easier to create intricate builds. Mounting point visualization and grid lines make building more intuitive than ever.

Enhanced controls and mobility

Our new system includes Grid Undo and refined CTRL controls for precise rotation and zoom, ensuring intuitive design at every step. Take your creations to new speeds with an upgraded max velocity: characters up to 310 m/s and grids up to 300 m/s. And you don’t need to worry about falling off platforms or asteroids — magboots and automatic jetpack activation have got your back!

Smarter UI and smoother play

We redesigned UI/UX to make building smoother and more intuitive for both newcomers and pros, giving more freedom to bring your intricate ideas to life. Thanks to VRAGE3, Space Engineers 2 is set to deliver better performance for a smoother play. As Early Access progresses, you’ll be able to build bigger ships, fly more of them, and enjoy epic destruction in a truly immersive ride.

Next-level visuals

Enjoy the beauty of space, industrial designs and battle encounters, reimagined with next-level realism. In Space Engineers 2 we introduced new ray-traced global illumination, realistic shadows, a new skybox, tessellated voxel materials, parallax effects for armor and much more, to bring depth and realism to every scene.


    • 操作系统: Microsoft Windows 10 (latest SP) 64-bit
    • 处理器: Intel i3 @ 3.0 GHz or higher (or AMD equivalent)
    • 内存: 16 GB RAM
    • 显卡: GeForce 1660 Super / Radeon RX 5600 XT / Intel B580 or higher
    • DirectX 版本: 12
    • 存储空间: 需要 40 GB 可用空间
    • 声卡: DirectX® compatible on-board
    • 附注事项: No internet connection needed for single player
    • 操作系统: Microsoft Windows 10 (latest SP) 64-bit
    • 处理器: Intel Quad Core i7 @ 3.6 GHz or higher (or AMD equivalent)
    • 内存: 16 GB RAM
    • 显卡: GeForce 2080 Ti / 3080 / Radeon RX 6800 or higher
    • DirectX 版本: 12
    • 存储空间: 需要 40 GB 可用空间
    • 声卡: DirectX® compatible on-board
    • 附注事项: No internet connection needed for single player

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